[WP] 30.05.2023 | redux-toolkit
fig 1.1 redux-principles; <source: Tomasz Ducin presentation on frontend architecture> Hi, in this blog post I’d like to introduce you to redux which is complex state management tool for web applications. I will describe it from a react point of view but it may be used with other frontend frameworks as well. Redux is recommended to be implemented using redux-toolkit - a set of utilities which facilitate developer experience during redux logic implementation. One of redux-toolkit authors is Marc Ericsson (that guy with simpson avatar) To begin with we need to install three packages: react-redux, @types/react-redux and @reduxjs/toolkit. The next step is to create store. Store instance is initialized with configureStore({reducer:{<import your 1st reducer and put its name here!>}) utility. It is also a good location to declare types for rootState(may be called App state) which is main representation of the application state and dispatch....