[WP] 23.06.2023 | subjects
fig 1.1 BehaviorSubject abstraction marble diagram It is high time to write another part of angular basics revision. Last time i mentioned Subject object. It is also worth to describe other ‚special’ cases of Subject. The first is behavior subject. It is part of powerful tool for reactive programming called rxjs . When writing angular version of exchange app or mars-rover-photos app I was using behavior subject in following way. Start with declaring behavioral subject private field within your service. The following example ilustrates this step: private myDataSubject: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject<any>( null ); it will declare new private field with myDataSubject name and BehaviorSubject type. The value within <> braces is called type parameter and is a part of TypeScript generic types. In this case it would describe the type of values emited by this subject. on the right side of the assignmen...