[WP] 08.02.2023 | rwd, hamburger


fig 1.1 simple hamburger menu


Today I re-applied menu from Sunny Vibes to pierwszyfront. Now netlify build of our project is ready to use on small size screens eg 320px. I took me most of my daytime but efforts were finished and commited to pierwszyfront github repository on separate branch and merged with main.

This task took a lot of effort to adjust stylesheets. At the end i made a lot of shortcuts by for example copying fuctions between components. I also created one additional stylesheet for hamburger component.

What i missed to use was module.css webpack way to import styles into the components as webpack allows to import css modules and svg files.

After weekly meeting for pierwszyprojekt i finish additional task about styling a login form. Other forms for registration and password reset will be done soon. I can honestly say that my basic skills of html and css significantly improved. I smoothly apply grid and flexbox logic algorithms.

Stay frosty



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