[WP] 13.02.2023 | react-intro
fig 1.1 My react term notes in form of wall of term-bricks |
Another day of oportunities and solving problems is gone. This day had to side plots revolving around the main plot. Once again i commited to develop front-end dev/web-dev skills. First chapter of this story was mainly filled with joy of react course exercise – word game. Basically re-writing myWordle1.0 project formerly developed in html/css/vanilla js environment. Sound review of react specifics and good mentoring from front-end dev Josh Comeau. I repeated all of the material i was working on in first two modules of a course. Part one – React Fundamentals and part two – Working with state, Part three – wordGameExercise make use of this knowledge.
The second part was doing PP tasks. This time i have prepared styling for login/register and password reset forms. I used grid layout for that. CSS styles was written using preprocessor(SASS) and making good use of modules.css feature. I took care of stylesheets so it is readable and maintainable using BEM convention. Ive managed to finish task and commit it into separate branch create & merge pull request to main branch and check auto-deploy on netlify. During testing i have noticed small mistakes in text eg on pass reset page there was login text on the button instead of reset password. Second bug which is required to be fixed is absolutle no responsive design of newly added forms.
Before jumping into PP job from 5 pm to 6 pm i took part in special meeting for Figma views design. It was great experience to take in design side of a PP page. It turned out that some of the views and vision is ready. As per Bartek the project design will be supported by Olga who is claimed to have considerable figma skills.
To sum up i can once again bring several React terms which i was studying today: props-drilling, context, links, css-modules, conditional-rendering(winning/loosing banner), component design, app scaffolding, providing key for mapped objects, object mapping, design with use of helpers(word checking function), working with ENVIROMENT_CONSTANT – NUM_OF_ALLOWED_GUESSES(this solution allows to improve maintainability of application by making it easier to change number of possible guesses in ) , working with external library solutions(range function from lodash), design of visualKeyboard, using handlers with arguments(arrow function), lilifting react state up, working with local data(array of five-letter words)
Exhausted but happy
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