[WP] 06.03.2023 | python-review
fig 1.1 js logo and python logo |
Today i took a ride with a time machine. Back to autumn last year where i started to learn programming in python. I made revision of python knowledge. Nearly whole day i was reading a book „Automate boring stuff with python” by Al Sweigart publish by No Starch press(known to publish another great book „Eloquent JavaScript” by Marijin Haverbeke.)
Decied to cover whole book and improve python skills. My first experience with algorithm exercises and solving cs problems was done with python. Mainly i was using HackerRank.com service with great unit tests written for each and every task.
Math operators, assignment operators, control flow statements such as if/elif/else conditional statements. While and for loops with continue and break instructions. Function definitions and signatures. Basic data structures – string, boolean, number, float. Copying primitive data structures. Complex data structures. Lists, tuples, dictionaries. Referencing complex data structures. Mutability of dictionaries and lists and immutability of primitivies. .copy and .deepcopy methods of copy modules. Importing the libraries and using imported tools were among studied terms.
I discovered some analogies to javascript tools. Linter for python scripts is called pyLance, basic package manager name for python is pip. I have reached the beginings of books second part on automation of repetitive tasks. It was huge chunk of information about regex. Python regex is very similar to the one that is part of javascript. The library for regex in python is called re(regular-expressions). Main re library methods: .compile .search .findall .group .sub(). There are additional compile method arguments such as re.IGNORECASE(u flag), re.DOTALL, re.VERBOSE that contain aditional options for regular expresions.
Finally the good news is that I found idea of a new project to put in my portfolio and i believe improve it a bit. During the troubleshooting of my laptop keyboard i found out a useful webapp. It was a test suite for keybords. Using it I got to know that malfunctioning of the device isnt caused by mechanichal issue but rather one connected with drivers. In upcoming days I will be definetly working on my own version of keyboard tester react app. Hope it will be a success.
From Lublin with love
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