[WP] 21.03.2023 part1 | seo


fig 1.1 seo keywords


To begin with SEO. It is a short form for Search Engine Optimisation. It is name of actions taken to improve website visibility and ranking within search engine result pages. The more markup is serchenigine-friendly and easy to understand the better ranking of the page. There are two types of SEO strategies. On-page SEO is about optimization of webpage contents and elements. It involves content, structure and html markup of a website. Off-page SEO strategy is realised by improvement of page reputation and authority by link building and other techniques which happen outside an app. The names of basic SEO techniques are: keyword research, optimizing title tags and meta description. Actions to improve SEO: creating quality content, continously improving websites performance and user experiences. SEO is ogoing process and need constant improvement.

Ref forwarding… it is a technique for automatically passing a ref through a component to one of its children. It may be used especially in reusable component libraries. Example of application: focus input of custom component on page loaded.

  • Create a ref within App component.
  • pass a ref as a prop to custom component
  • recieve ref within custom component as additional argument eg function CustomComponent({…}, ref)
  • assign received ref as ref attribute in primitive input node.
  • Edit export instruction – wrap it around React.forwardRef( ) function eg export default React.forwardRef(CustomComponent)


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